About us


  • Mission Statement: purpose of our website is spreading news and we target whole world audience but primary India and U.S.
  • Vision: the future envision of our platform is knowledge.


  • Founding Story: to knowing people about what to do.


  • Founder: robin
  • Expertise: Intellectual diverse skills, experiences, and qualifications in bachelour in mass communication.


  • Truth and Accuracy: Commitment to reporting facts accurately and truthfully, ensuring information is thoroughly vetted before publication.
  • Transparency: Being transparent about information sources, corrections, and potential biases in reporting.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • What Sets You Apart: Serving the public with valuable, diverse, and relevant news and information

Contact Information:

  • Contact Details: opendoor0060@gmail.com

Call to Action:

  • Encourage Engagement: Actively engaging with the audience, encouraging feedback, and involving them in discussions about news topics.